Another dev log for 0.9.0 May 28th

2 years ago

Ok so quickest update first this time around;

Native Mobile App

So for those that don't know STKP has a reasonably sized support and moderation team but a single developer, thats me. Everything from the app to the API is a one man show, it's something that might change in the future and post release, but thats much later.

Late last year a native mobile app for Android and iOS was mentioned and briefly shown, that will be picked up on once the 0.9.0 patch goes live and once im happy with the stability. The mobile apps planned functionality will be access to your Log, Fleet and Schedule (as well as adding to schedule) in addition to live flight monitoring so you can keep tabs on that long haul from the beer garden of the local.

Whilst STKP has an existing local server for tablet access within your network (and outside of with the appropriate knowledge) this will be a full app release that will be on the app stores and will allow access to your STKP flights and data from anywhere with an internet connection. More information will be coming really soon on this one too!

NAT Data

The north atlantic tracks will be re-appearing on the live map and flight summary too in 0.9.0. Having found a more reliable data source they should aid for planning your jaunts over the pond.


The core of SimToolkitPro is the large volume of real world data that drives it, be that fleet data, airport data or airline information. This new part of the website and account area will allow crowd sourcing of data changes and updates to improve the integrity and accuracy of the data you use to plan and fly.

Heres how it works;

  • Users will apply for access to the data centre through the account area of the website
  • Accounts of certain age and activity will be accepted automatically, newer accounts may be rejected
  • Changes are submitted on a parameter basis, so elevation and icao would be 2 changes
  • Changes are voted up or down by other users 
  • When changes hit vote thresholds (up/down) they are actioned by admins after light verification

At launch there will be support for Airports and Airline changes with a view to adding POIs, Routes, Aircraft and more in the future as the userbase for it builds!

Thats about it for this update, I did a short stream over on twitch tonight and will potentially have another this weekend at some stage where I'll be doing a bit of live development and bug fixing on the test build. Drop a follow over there to be notified when I do. (

Testers will be getting access in the next 48 hours to the test build along with Patrons, and I'm hoping to have 0.9.0 ready by the middle to end of next week! Hopefully!

Have a great weekend everyone, and hopefully the next update we will be much closer to release!

Dan <3

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