The final 0.9.0 devlog.. Maybe

2 years ago

So there have been 4 more beta builds since the last devlog, and with Beta 11 on the way for the weekend we are getting close. Bug reports have fallen and when I can stop adding things we will be ready to release.

New Features

0.9.0 is heavily focused around improving the user experience, quality of life improvements and the like. Amongst those changes I wanted to improve the experience when flying on a network. As such from Beta 11, there is a warning if you haven't clicked a prefile link (this can be disabled) and additionally where supported and if available there is a new dropdown for accessing ATIS and METAR for the flight. Currently support for IVAO and VATSIM is included.

There have been a great number of bug fixes and performance improvements too. Map loading times have been improved as well as map responsiveness and visual improvements to the airport overlays adding runway numbering.

The Airline Routes section has been moved to the sidebar and has had a complete overhaul for performance. Usability has been improved as well as the speed of updating filter and search criteria.

The NAT data has been improved on the live map with a table of data and routes being fully labeled for clarity. Sadly the original API used lacked some waypoint data and it made more sense to add my own parser that could be built to my needs. This has meant that the NAT data is now entirely processed on the server meaning farr less work for the app to do, which is always a bonus!

Beta 10 also added a way to filter SimBrief export formats on the menu. You can hit "Enable/Disable Exports" in the pop up and click to toggle visibility of formats when you go to export your flight plan.

Web and API changes

There is also a brand new very fast API being developed to delivery Flight, Airport, Airline and Aircraft data to STKP this will be integrated through the 0.9.0 update cycle. It is also what provides the NAT data. If you have an interest in using this API for your own projects, get in touch, I'm sure we can sort something out!

The ticket system is now available to testers and data centre access can be applied for through the account area by all. Access to data centre is granted based on a few factors, mainly things like account age and activity to prevent potential abuse.

Thanks to ShoeyUK for the message regarding e-mail providers, I've managed to test and implement a new system using Postmark to send out notifications and password reset emails that should mean far better reliability for sending and receiving and at a super reasonable monthly cost! Very much appreciate the suggestion!

So when do you get it

Soon, very very soon. It would not be the best idea to release this on a weekend, statistically the busiest time, especially with so many new features (like the socket based map system) so I'm hoping for a general release early next week. If you want access to all these features now though, you can jump over to Patreon and grab it for yourself for just £1 at the base tier whilst it is being tested. You will also get access to future updates and early access content too whilst supporting the project.

If you are in the UK today and don't have somewhere to hide from the heat, you have my sympathy. It isn't going to be a nice one, I'm eyeing up removing the drawers from the freezer as we speak. Regardless, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and get plenty of flight hours in!

Dan <3

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